From Brit to Yank, Metric or Imperial?

I’m constantly converting a Brit recipe to US (Imperial) measures… it’s not always a perfect conversion and usually confusing, here is a chart that hopefully will help!

Metric Imperial Centigrade Farenheit

1.25 ml 1/4 tsp. 74 degrees 165 degrees

2.5 ml 1/2 tsp 160 C 325 F

5 ml 1 tsp 180 C 350 F

15 ml 1 Tbsp 190 C 375 F

60 ml 1/4 cup 200 C 400 F

80 ml 1/3 cup

125 ml 1/2 cup

160 ml 2/3 cup

175 ml 3/4 cup

240 ml 1 cup


Untraditionally, Roast Lamb


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