Simply delicious mint sauce
Mint sauce is an absolute must for us when enjoying a roast leg of lamb. Fresh from the garden, many varieties of mint practically grow everywhere; after several deep frosts ours is still going strong. There are plenty of ways mint can simply elevate and light up a dish.
This simple sauce cuts through the rich “fattiness” of the lamb.
Dissolve two tablespoons of granulated sugar in a 1/4 cup of boiling water. Stir in two generous handfuls of finely chopped fresh green mint leaves (do not whizz in a processor, we’re not making mint mush), add a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Shake ( like to shake mine in an 8 oz Mason jar) or stir and let sit for 30 mins or more to let everything mingle. Shake again and serve!